Immerse–Daily Prompt

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I want to immerse myself in God’s Word every day. I have several daily scriptures that come to my email every morning from I also have the devotion from Oswald Chambers come to my email in the morning from

Throughout the day I continue to be immersed in God’s word as I remember scriptures which help me pray for others, pray for myself, and to just stay in tune with His Voice.

In the evenings I return to God’s Word by working through one book of the Bible at a time and then journaling about it. I also bought a new devotional called Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry and Richard Blackerby. It is almost as good as Oswald Chambers’.

I took a Bible Study authored by Henry Blackerby several years ago called Experiencing God. It is a life-changing study. There is a workbook that you use to go through scriptures and delve into how to be intimate with God, as you experience Him daily.

As I have shared before, I am leading a Bible study out of the book of Nehemiah. It is called Prayer in the Battle. When we know what God’s Word says, we can battle the enemy with the armor of God, His Word, and by the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert, He said “It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”(Matthew 4:4) He was using the verse out of Deuteronomy 8:3 which says “So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.”  (When the Israelites left Egypt, they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and God provided them with new manna every day.)

I have had many ups and downs, starts and stops in my life. But the one thing I can rely on is that God will never leave me or forsake me. And His word is life. It is the only thing that keeps me grounded and helps me to fight my battles. Those battles could be physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual.

If you are a Christian and are not in God’s Word every day, I encourage you to do so! Start simple. Go to the Psalms and read one every day. You will see that David laid out his entire life before God. The good, the bad and the ugly!

If you are not a Christian, I encourage you to put Him to a test. Read His word every day, and see how it might change your peace and joy. There are tons of resources available online. Or just pick up a Bible and start reading. I would suggest starting at Romans. Paul lays out in very clear words that we are not righteous by ourselves, we need a savior, and Jesus can make us righteous through his death. Or you can read the Gospels, which tell about Jesus’s ministry on earth.

So, I immerse myself in God’s Word every day. It enables me to stand strong in spite of difficulties and battles that come against me. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life!

24 thoughts on “Immerse–Daily Prompt

  1. I was about to write something similar to this today. This is just a confirmation that the spirit of God is one. This post is timely. I feel we now live in an age where christians see the word of God as boring. People prefer to spend hours watching reality TV than studying the word of God. We say we don’t have time to study God’s word but we have time to spend on social media, chatting on our phones, watching TV and doing other things that will not benefit our spirit. And we wonder why things aren’t going right. God’s word is strong, powerful and effective.

    I have reblogged this post. So good! Thanks for sharing.

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  2. I am not much of a book reader, I prefer articles and posts. But one book I read recently was great, and I’m going to recommend it to you. It’s called “Muscle and a Shovel” by Michael Shank. I think it is available on Kindle and such. You can find out all about it at:

    It is one of those life-changing books!



      1. I really hope you do! BTW, may I know your first name? I like to make my comments and replies a bit more personal by using your name…


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